With a couple of 1:1 lessons you can massively increase your computer confidence and competence. We offer bespoke tuition in many areas which have proven beneficial and transformative for those that have taken them.
Would you like to know more about your computer? Have you seen someone doing whizzy tricks and wished you could do the same. If you’d like to improve your knowledge, skill, productivity or IT literacy then a private lesson can make a tremendous difference.
Perhaps you’ve purchased a new pc or laptop running the Windows 8 operating system. Whilst an excellent piece of software, initially, it appears radically different to all that has gone before and it has caused massive frustration for millions of users around the world. Find out how it can be easily tamed.
Maybe you’d like to get to grips with e-commerce. Online shopping has exploded in recent years and there are many innovative ways to uncover bargains, save money and get cashback but there are also quite a few pitfalls.
Call us today on 01202 805 622 to find out how we can help you get more from your computer.